Meet Our Team


Photo of Kate Hanbery 
Kate Hanbery
Title IX Coordinator
Director of Prevention, Education, and Response


Kate is a two-time UNA alumna with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Political Science, and Legal Studies and a Master’s in Professional Studies. She has worked at UNA since 2011 and served as a judicial aid for three years at the Lauderdale County Courthouse.

Contact Kate:



Chase Wise
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Asst. Director of Prevention, Education, and Response


Chase is a two-time UNA alumna with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health. Chase has a background in trauma-informed therapies and the judicial system.

Contact Chase:

Kayleigh Baker

Patty Apkarian

Senior Administrative Assistant

Patty Apkarian joined UNA in 2020 as the Senior Administrative Assistant for the Offices of Student Conduct and Title IX. Patty is the first point of contact for those who call or visit the Office of Title IX.


The Formal Grievance Process relies on a pool of administrators (“the Pool”) to carry out the process. The pool can be made up of internal or external trained third-party neutral professionals.

Members of the Pool are trained annually, and can serve in the following roles, at the direction of the Title IX Coordinator:

● To provide appropriate intake of and initial guidance pertaining to complaints
● To serve in a facilitation role in informal resolution or Alternate Resolution if appropriately trained in appropriate resolution modalities (e.g., mediation, restorative practices)
● To perform or assist with an initial assessment
● To investigate complaints
● To serve as a hearing facilitator (process administrator, no decision-making role)
● To serve as a Decision-maker regarding the complaint
● To serve as an Appeal Decision-maker
● To provide supportive measures or remedies


The following University employees have been trained on the UNA Title IX Grievance Process and the role of an Advisor. Any party (Complainant or Respondent) is able to reach out to these individuals and inquire about their availability to serve as an advisor in a pending Title IX matter.