Sociology Major & Tracks

The department of Psychology and Sociology offers a major in Sociology leading to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. The sociology major is available in the traditional classroom or 100% online!

The Sociology major is comprised of 28 – 34 credit hours of coursework. To successfully complete their degree, students must complete coursework that satisfies UNA’s General Education Requirements and complete an academic minor or track.

If interested, students can focus their sociology major on one of three available tracks:


The Sociology Program also offers a certificate program in Family Life Education. Participating students can earn certification as a Family Life Educator (CFLE), approved by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Upon completion of an undergraduate degree—which includes 27 hours of prescribed coursework and three hours of field practice—a student may seek provisional certification approval through NCFR. This certificate is offered to both degree seeking students and others seeking professional/ personal advancement. Non-degree seeking students will be admitted to the University via established admission guidelines. The certificate is designed to prepare students to work in a wide variety of professional fields that promote healthy family functioning, such as community-based social services, early childhood education, faith-based organizations, family intervention, government and public policy, family and consumer resource services, and health care and family wellness.

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