Alumni Association
In 1976, UNA's Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions graduated it's first class of BSN prepared nurses. Since then, more than 1200 nurses have graduated from UNA and hold roles as practitioners, clinicians, consultants, specialists, nursing educators, and nurse researchers throughout Alabama, across the nation and around the world. Graduates of UNA's Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions are leaders in their profession and in their community. We are very proud of our alumni and hope this webpage will enable us to maintain communication with our graduates and help graduates to re-establish relationships with faculty and classmates.
The purpose of the Nursing Alumni Club is to maintain a lifelong relationship between the UNA Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions and alumni and to encourage loyalty and respect for the high standards which the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions strives to maintain. Over the years, many alumni have supported the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions by giving generously of their time and/or financial resources. This generosity has helped the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions achieve it's mission of providing a quality education, developing nurse leaders and providing service to the community. Examples include alumni who have given their time as guest speakers or as volunteers at the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions clinic for the underserved, and those who make financial contributions to the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions for nursing student scholarships or for the provision of equipment and educational resources.
The UNA Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions Alumni Club is comprised of all graduates of the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions. All current and future graduates are members of the Association by virtue of graduation. There are no annual dues.
Update your Alumni Association information here
If you are interested in becoming involved with the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions, please contact Ms. Jo Lynn McClure at so that we can contact you with additional information.