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One (1) representative from Enrollment Management, recommended to the Shared Governance Executive Committee by the Staff Senate. 4. One (1) International Student representative, recommended to the Shared Governance Executive Committee by the Student Government Association President. 5. Vice President for University Advancement. During the fall 2009 spring 2010 academic year, the following TEN (10) members served on this committee: Dr. J. Paul Baird (Counselor Education) Ms. Charlotte W. Cramer (Online Nursing) Dr. B. Lee Hurren (Secondary Education) Dr. Lisa Keys-Mathews (Geography) Dr. Alex Takeuchi, Chair (Sociology) Dr. Claudia P. Vance, Vice Chair (Foreign Languages) Dr. Chunsheng Zhang (Vice Provost for International Affairs) Dr. Sue J. Wilson (Dean of Enrollment and Registrar) Ms. Judith Ezejimofor (International student) Dr. Alan G. Medders (Vice President for University Advancement) Additionally, Dr. Robert L. Adler (Foreign Languages) was invited to all committee meetings as a guest to share his knowledge and expertise in international programs. The Committees Charge The Shared Governance document currently in place (as of 5/10/2010) defines the charge of the IPO Committee as follows: 1. To serve as an advisory committee to international programs/offerings on campus. 2. To serve as a clearinghouse for information related to international programs/ offerings on campus. 3. To provide a mechanism for coordinating all programs/offerings within various colleges as well as other areas on campus. 4. To serve as a mechanism for international offerings/program development. The new committee charge as approved by the Shared Governance Executive Committee (pending final approval by President Cale) to take effect in fall 2010 is as follows: 1. To serve as an advisory committee to international programs/offerings on campus 2. To assist the Center for International Programs with information related to international programs/offerings on campus. 3. To provide a mechanism for coordinating all programs/offerings within various colleges as well as other areas on campus. 4. To serve as a mechanism for international offerings/program development. 5. Handle all proposals affecting University policy according to section C.2 Shared Governance Procedure for Policy Change Recommendations. Regular Meetings The IPO Committee was scheduled to meet once a month on the first or second Monday at 1:00pm in Stevens Hall Rm. 567. The actual schedules of the meetings were as follows: September 14, 2009 October 5, 2009 November 2, 2009 January 25, 2010 February 8, 2010* *This meeting was canceled as the university was closed due to severe weather. However, an e-mail meeting took place in mid February. March 29, 2010 April 12, 2010** **This meeting was canceled due to the lack of quorum. However, all attending members had an hour long discussions on important issues. May 3, 2010 (Officially approved minutes of the meetings on above dates have been forwarded to the Shared Governance Committee.) Executive Summary and Accomplishments With the new Vice Provost for International Affairs in the Center for International Programs, many important issues were discussed to be included as part of the primary responsibilities of the IPO Committee. As the results new procedures and revised forms were adopted to facilitate existing study abroad programs more efficiently and to further advance UNAs international programs. The major accomplishments of the IPO Committee are summarized as follows: 1. Reviewed and revised the IPO Committees charge. (See above.) 2. Revised the guideline for the Study Abroad Scholarship and corresponding evaluation criteria including updated evaluation grid for the required essay. 3. Reviewed and revised the amount of the Study Abroad Scholarship from the exact amount of air fair up to $1,200 for each recipient to $800 for each recipient regardless of the actual cost of travel to optimize the number of recipients in order to encourage more UNA students to participate in the university sanctioned study abroad programs. 4. Reviewed and established a more efficient procedure to award the scholarship money to each recipient by directly depositing it into each recipients student account. 5. Discussed and implementation of Pre-departure Study Abroad Orientation sessions inviting both the participating students and their parents through the Center for International Studies. 6. Adopted a new Medical Disclosure Form drafted and suggested by the Vice Provost for International Affairs to minimize participating students health related problems while they are abroad. 7. Adopted a new Academic Pre-Approval Form drafted and suggested by the Vice Provost for International Affairs to be signed by each participants academic advisors and appropriate Deans office to ensure the integrity of the study abroad program to be part of his/her academic program. 8. Discussed on a more active involvement of the IPO Committee in the curriculum approval process of any UNA sanctioned study abroad program to ensure its integrity and quality. 9. Discussed on a possible inclusion of another student member who has participated in a UNA sanctioned study abroad program to serve on the IPO Committee. 10. Discussed on inclusion of at least one faculty member from each college to serve on the IPO Committee to appropriately represent each colleges perspective on UNAs study abroad program. (For more detail on the issues discussed and/or adopted in committee meetings, refer to the official minutes provided with the Shared Governance Committee.) Additionally, the IPO Committee has selected a total of 38 UNA students as this academic years recipients of the Study Abroad Scholarship to encourage more UNA students to study abroad and be exposed to diverse cultures and gain global perspective. Formal Recommendations Based on the discussions and motions passed at this academic years meetings, the IPO Committee makes the following recommendations: 1. Inclusion of one additional student member who has successfully completed a UNA sanctioned study abroad program. 2. Establishment of a clear protocol on how a study abroad program that is credit bearing (e.g., faculty led trip abroad through which students can earn UNA credits) should be approved. Specifically, the IPO Committee strongly recommends that a proposal of any study abroad program that is UNA credit bearing must first be reviewed and approved by the IPO Committee and the Vice Provost for International Affairs to ensure its pedagogical integrity, overall quality and safety and for liability reasons, before it is approved by the university wide curriculum committee and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. 3. Ensuring at least FOUR (4) faculty slots for the membership to have a representation of each of the four colleges, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Nursing and Allied Health. (Right now, all 6 faculty slots are from faculty at large.) Plan for Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Academic Year The IPO Committee plans to accomplish the followings: 1. Inclusion of the financial need component in the Study Abroad Scholarship evaluation criteria to help diversify the socio-economic class of scholarship recipients and to provide a wider range of students with opportunities to study abroad, as well as to help increase potential donors to support UNAs international programs. 2. Consolidation of the Study Abroad Scholarship application time frame from the current three rounds to two rounds in an academic year to facilitate the selection process and the actual award process more efficiently. 3. Based on Item 2 in Formal Recommendations, more active involvement in the quality check process of newly proposed UNA credit bearing study abroad programs. 4. Perhaps more discussions on bringing international students to UNA and improving UNAs existing programs for international students (e.g., ESL courses, etc.). 5. Analysis of feasibility of possible year long exchange programs with accredited foreign universities. The Committees Weaknesses As the Chair of the IPO Committee, I have observed the following weaknesses of the committee: 1. Three rounds of the Study Abroad Scholarship selection process was taking up a minimum of three formal meetings to simply review increasing number of applications. Therefore, any other time pressing issues that needed to be discussed or voted on could not be discussed or voted on during those three meetings. 2. Related to Item 2 in Formal Recommendations, due to the absence of a clear protocol or policy on the role of the IPO Committee in the process through which a new UNA credit bearing study abroad program is to be formally approved, the committee was not able to get involved in the quality control process with some of the UNA credit bearing study abroad programs that are currently implemented. 3. The IPO Committee only focused on sending UNA students to abroad, and there was no discussion on issues related to bringing in international students to UNA or how we can improve UNAs existing programs for international students (e.g., ESL courses, etc.). The Committees Plan to Address the Weaknesses (See Formal Recommendations and Plan for the Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Academic Year above.) Comments With the strong leadership of Dr. Chunsheng Zhang, our new Vice Provost for International Affairs, the IPO Committee has been a very active committee. Every committee member recognized the tremendous pedagogical benefits of having international students at UNA and of sending our domestic students to study abroad and be exposed to diverse cultures. We as the IPO Committee was a group of faculty, staff, student and administrators who were all interested in advancing UNAs international Programs. With an additional student member and adequate representation of all four colleges by faculty members, I believe the IPO Committee should be able to accomplish what it plans for the next academic year. Serious consideration of the committees formal recommendations by the Shared Governance Executive Committee and continuous support from your office as well as from any relevant offices will be much appreciated. ;=Yabklm{ ' t  ƺ稤{tpdh{h{5CJaJh{ h ^h ^ h{>*hdjh ^hg h ^6 hx<hghZhghx<hd hdhdhdhgCJaJhdhg>*CJaJhdh#>*CJaJh>*CJaJhdh{>*CJaJ hd5hg5CJaJ hdj5 hg5'<=lmz{   ! 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